High in important minerals like copper, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, as well as fiber, vitamin B1 and protein, sesame seeds should be a staple on your pantry shelf. 芝麻富含大量重要矿物质,如铜,锰,钙,铁,镁和锌,不仅如此,它还拥有大量纤维素、维生素B1和蛋白质。芝麻理应成为你调味架上的主角。
The progress on the research of laccases is reviewed in this paper, of which the active centre of copper ions, the three-dimensional structure of protein, and catalytic mechanism are emphasized. 阐述了漆酶的研究进展,对漆酶研究中的铜离子活性中心、三维结构和催化机理研究作了重点阐述。
The research team has shown that to ensure a copper and a manganese protein wrap around the correct metal atoms, they do this in different parts of the cell, in zones which contain different metals. 研究组研究确定铜蛋白和锰蛋白均包绕着对应的金属原子。蛋白包绕发生在细胞体内的不同区域,在这些区域包含不同的金属。
Copper, an essential trace element to human beings and animal, participates in the metabolism of nutrients such as protein, amino acid, and nucleic acid. Disorders of copper metabolism may lead to various diseases. 铜是人类和动物重要的必需微量元素,参与体内蛋白质、氨基酸、核酸等营养物质的代谢,铜代谢异常会造成多种疾病。
Serum copper complex protein and its changes in cancers 癌症患者血清铜络合蛋白的检测
The Synthesis of Binuclear Copper Protein Models, Oxygenation and Catalytic Oxidation of Benzoin 双核铜蛋白模型化合物的合成、氧合和催化苯偶姻的氧化
In view of the active centers of binuclear copper protein are coordinated by polyimidazoles in natural enzyme, binuclear copper model which is coordinated by imidazoles can mimic natural enzyme more efficiently. 鉴于咪唑基是双核铜蛋白活性中心的配位基团,以生物配体咪唑基为配位基团的模型物应能更好的模拟双核铜蛋白。
Objective: To isolate copper binding protein from rat liver lysosomal fraction, and to analyze its amino acid sequences. 目的:分离大鼠肝脏溶酶体中铜结合蛋白质,并分析其氨基酸序列。
The piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation successed on a patient of Wilson ′ s disease. Liver function and blood copper protein were normal during 7 months after transplantation. 1例肝豆状核变性(Wilson)患者,行背驮式肝移植成功,随访7个月,肝功能及血铜蓝蛋白正常。
The binding rate of copper in enzymic hydrolyzed peanut protein was lower than in native peanut protein; with the increasing copper content the binding rate was increasing. 结果表明,酶解蛋白与铜的结合率低于天然蛋白与铜的结合率,随着Cu2+的增加,铜的结合率也有所提高;
Under natural conditions, MT is a zinc-or copper-and zinc-binding protein. 在正常生理条件下,MT主要与锌或者锌、铜相结合(Zn-MT/Zn,Cu-MT)。
Plastocyanin is a copper binding protein, which play an important role in electron transmission. 质体蓝素是一种含铜离子的蛋白,其在植物的电子传递过程中起着重要作用。
Progress in coordination chemistry and modelling of copper protein were reviewed in this paper. The main attentions were paid on the latest results and methods of structure function relationship about important copper proteins related to metal complexes. 概述了生物酶中铜蛋白质配位化学模拟的研究进展,介绍了铜离子配合物生物酶活性中心的重要铜蛋白质的结构与功能的研究方法及最新进展。
Azurin, a bacterial redox cell protein from Pseudomonas Alcaligenes, is a low molecular weight 、 solubility copper protein. 天青蛋白是由假单胞杆菌绿毒素分泌的一种细胞蛋白,属于低分子量、可溶性的含铜蛋白,因此称其为铜蓝蛋白。
Determination of Copper 、 Zinc 、 Iron 、 Magnesium And Protein Concentrations In Serum of Children with Nephrotic Syndrome and Glomerulonephritis 肾病综合征、肾小球肾炎患儿血清铜、锌、铁、镁与血清蛋白质的测定与分析
Objective To study the changes of copper complex protein ( CCP) in cancer patients. 目的研究血清铜络合蛋白(CCP)在癌症患者的改变。
Coordination chemistry and the modelling of copper protein 铜蛋白质的配位化学模拟
Objective To confirm the presence and localization of Wilson disease gene product copper transporting P type ATPase ( WD protein) in human hepatocytes. 目的证实Wilson病铜转运P型ATP酶(WD蛋白)在人肝内的存在,并初步研究其在肝细胞内的具体定位。
New binuclear copper protein models ( 10? 16) in which two imidazolyls coordinate with each copper ion have been prepared also from the reaction of [ Cu ( CH3CN) 4] ClO4 with ligands. 配体与[Cu(CH3CN)4]ClO4反应,得到两个咪唑基与铜配位的双核铜蛋白模型化合物(10~16)。
Another major copper containing protein, Cu/ Zn superoxide dismutase ( CSD), is essential for detoxifying ROS and scavenging superoxide in plants. 而另外一类主要的含铜蛋白是铜/锌超氧化物歧化酶(CSD),它对于植物各类代谢所产生的活性氧自由基的脱毒和清除超氧离子非常重要。
Protein interactions with transition metal ions such as copper ( II), nickel ( II) and zinc ( II) ions have been widely used for protein purification by metal chelate affinity chromatography. 在利用金属螯合亲和色谱分离蛋白质的过程中,过渡金属离子(Cu2+、Ni2+、Zn2+)和蛋白质之间的相互作用有着广泛的应用。
Comparatively, copper microparticles are relatively stable in the system and practically non-toxic, which indicates the importance of toxic estimation of materials at nanoscale. In addition, Cu(ⅱ) ion can induce protein damage, membrane damage, and slight DNA damage at only relatively high concentration. 相比之下,微米铜颗粒相对稳定,几乎无毒,这表明评估纳米材料的毒性具有重要的意义;Cu(II)只有在相对高浓度时才可诱导蛋白质损伤、细胞膜损伤和轻微的DNA损伤。
The most abundant copper containing protein plastocyanin ( PC) is required for photosynthetic electron transport within the thylakoid lumen. 拟南芥体内含铜离子最丰富的蛋白质是位于内囊体腔中的质体蓝素(PC),它是光合电子传递链所必需的蛋白。